The Platform 2 Netflix Movie Review: A Stale Rehash of a Once Groundbreaking Concept


The Platform (El Hoyo) was a groundbreaking film that offered a bold and spine chilling commentary on social inequality, human nature, and the struggle for survival in extreme conditions. The film’s unique premise—a vertical prison where inmates are fed through a descending platform of food—captured audiences’ imaginations and left viewers with profound questions about humanity. It was a film that resonated deeply, not only because of its thrilling concept but also because of its sharp social commentary. Unfortunately, The Platform 2 fails to live up to the expectations set by its predecessor. The sequel attempts to replicate the tension and philosophical depth of the original but ultimately falls short in almost every respect.

The Platform 2

A Weak Plot and Recycled Premise:

At its core, The Platform 2 offers little in the way of innovation. The film revisits the same setting—a multi-story prison where food is distributed from top to bottom—but fails to introduce any new layers to the story. This vertical prison, while intriguing in the first film, feels redundant in the sequel. The richness of the premise has worn off, and without significant new developments or twists, the plot feels predictable and stale.

From the overview, it becomes clear that The Platform 2 is merely a rehash of the original film’s plot. The characters are once again faced with the dilemma of survival, forced to navigate the brutal conditions of the prison while grappling with the injustice of the food distribution system. However, the lack of originality means that the tension and shock value that drove the first film are lost. Instead of exploring fresh ideas, the sequel reintroduces the same themes and scenarios, offering no fresh insights or narrative progression.

The Platform 2
Photo Credit : Netflix

Underdeveloped Characters and Lackluster Performances:

One of the most glaring issues with The Platform 2 is its underdeveloped characters. Where the original film offered complex, morally ambiguous protagonists, the sequel presents a cast of characters who feel one-dimensional and uninspired. The emotional depth and backstories that made the first film’s characters so compelling are absent here. Viewers are left with individuals who serve more as plot devices than fully realized characters with motivations and arcs.

Moreover, the performances themselves feel phoned in, with none of the actors delivering memorable or particularly nuanced performances. Without strong characters to anchor the story, the film struggles to maintain audience engagement. Viewers find it difficult to invest in the characters’ fates, further diminishing the emotional weight of the narrative.

Photo Credit : Looper

Uneven Pacing and Lost Tension:

Pacing is a crucial element in any thriller, and The Platform 2 fails to find a balance between slow-burn tension and moments of intense action. The film is plagued by long, monotonous stretches where nothing of significance happens. These loopholes in the narrative cause the film to drag, making it difficult to stay engaged. When the action does pick up, the moments of tension are too brief and too infrequent to offset the film’s overall sluggishness.

The first film expertly maintained a sense of undeniable doom, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they anticipated what might come next. In contrast, The Platform 2 feels disjointed. The stakes never feel as high, and the suspense that made the original so captivating is largely absent. Without that essential feeling of urgency, the sequel lacks the gripping intensity that audiences expect from a thriller.

Muddled Social Commentary:

One of the original film’s strengths was its sharp, insightful social commentary. The Platform presented a stark allegory of the world’s inequalities, cleverly woven into the fabric of the story. Unfortunately, The Platform 2 offers a much more muddled and clumsy take on these same issues. Instead of expanding on the thought-provoking ideas introduced in the first film, the sequel delivers a less focused and more forced attempt at commentary.

The film touches on themes of greed, class struggle, and selfishness, but it does so in a way that feels heavy-handed and repetitive. Where the first film allowed these themes to emerge organically through its story and characters, the sequel lacks subtlety, opting instead to hammer home its message without much nuance. As a result, the social critique feels both watered-down and disjointed, failing to provoke the same intellectual engagement as its predecessor.

The Platform 2
Photo Credit : Filmibeat

Missed Opportunities for New Exploration:

It is not uncommon for sequels to struggle with introducing new ideas while maintaining the essence of the original. However, The Platform 2 misses several opportunities to expand the universe established by the first film. Rather than exploring new layers of the prison system or diving deeper into the psychological and sociopolitical implications of the platform, the film opts for the easy route: more of the same.

The absence of any meaningful world-building or exploration of new concepts is a glaring flaw. The original film hinted at a larger, more complex world outside the prison, and the sequel could have dived into those possibilities. Instead, viewers are left confined to the same bleak environment without any real evolution of the narrative or the themes.

Conclusion: A Disappointing and Uninspired Sequel:

Ultimately, The Platform 2 fails to recapture the magic of the original film. While it may appeal to fans of the first movie who are curious about a continuation of the story, it is unlikely to leave a lasting impression. The film suffers from unoriginality, poor pacing, shallow characters, and forced commentary, making it a lackluster follow-up to what was once a thought-provoking and intense cinematic experience.

Though the filmmakers had an opportunity to build on a solid foundation, they instead delivered a rehash that feels more like a cash grab than a meaningful sequel. In the end, The Platform 2 is a disappointing return to a concept that deserved much more.

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